BookFrameworkFutures Thinking

Why We Love Kaleidoscopes

With every twist, light bounced off ordinary objects in the room and refracted through the lens to produce wondrous and intricate designs. Whether you used a simple homemade tube filled with beads, strings, and paper clips, or a higher-end prism adorned with colored plastic, glass, or marbles, the angled mirrors…
Ali & Nick
November 26, 2020

Introduction to the Futures Framework

In the Lord’s Prayer, we’re instructed to pray: “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” (Matt. 6:10). For all of us who follow Christ, heaven is our preferred future. It’s the ultimate destination, the grandest of all possibilities, and the perfect example of…
Ali & Nick
November 22, 2020

Invisible Forces

Have you ever almost been blown over by the wind on a stormy day? Even if you haven’t, you’ve witnessed the effects of this invisible force in the world in some way. The wind is uncontrollable and often unpredictable. Scripture tells us that it “blows where it wishes” (John 3:8).…
Ali & Nick
November 22, 2020

Emerging Patterns

A framework is a set of rules or principles that you use to define a decision making process. It identifies boundaries so that you can find a place to start. The Futures Framework is exactly the same, only using a vision of the future to frame a starting place instead…
Ali & Nick
November 22, 2020