“What comes next?” is a question many leaders are asking during a year with unexpected disruption, uncertainty, and challenges no one could have anticipated. Trying to lead an organization, church, or ministry of any size in this increasingly VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous) environment is difficult on many levels.
What Comes Next?
What if, instead of keeping up with change, you could get ahead of it? The Futures Framework will help you navigate the uncertainty and chart a path forward.
Your task is not to foresee the future, but to enable it.
In this time of uncertainty, what you need most is clarity – and then a roadmap to help you move forward. This simple and pragmatic tool is timely, insightful, and indispensable for those charged with leading others through uncharted waters. It will inform, inspire, and equip you to make a difference.
”The Futures Framework is a thoughtful and thorough guide that will help you identify and execute an informed and flexible strategy based on principles and possibilities.
Britt TuckerLead Pastor, Antioch Community Church, Central Houston

Resources to help you navigate uncertainty and gain clarity about what comes next.
What Comes Next?
A gospel-centered book designed to help leaders navigate uncertainty using the eight elements of the futures framework. It will inform, inspire, and equip you to make a difference.
Four Forces Canvas
The Four Forces Canvas helps you identify the forces that are causing chaos in your world.
Preferred Future Canvas
The Futures Canvas helps you to identify, describe and design your preferred future.
Conversation Starters
These 24 conversation starters will help you uncover your assumptions and biases and consider alternative possibilities.
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