“When I was president of K-LOVE radio we realized the need to innovate if we wanted to be a part of the future. Nick and Ali created a framework where we could excel at what we were currently doing and see a pathway into the future that would help us achieve our mission to move people closer to Christ. They took an uncertain future and showed us a roadmap to where we needed to go to continue being effective.”
Alan MasonBoard member and former CEO at K-Love/Air1
Praise for What Comes Next
“What Comes Next? is timely and timeless. The Futures Framework is a practical method of discovering how to navigate this unpredictable world. Ali and Nick have tapped into their incredible wealth of knowledge and experience in leading leaders globally in future thinking and innovation and put it into a simple process. If you are like me and need help rethinking the future, invest in yourself or your team, and purchase this book.”
James KellyFounder and CEO, FaithTech
“When I was orbiting Earth on the International Space Station, looking back down from 240 miles above, it was clear that the challenges facing our planet would not be solved by doing things the way we have always done them. This is why What Comes Next? is such a critical book. Not only do Nick and Ali help you understand how the world is changing, but they teach you what to do about it.”
Ron GaranAstronaut; Author of The Orbital Perspective, Railroad to the Moon, and Floating in Darkness
“What Comes Next? is readable, inspiring, sometimes technical, and extremely missional for anyone who feels responsible to lead other followers of Jesus into a preferable future. The lessons of yesterday and the insights of today are not enough for leading tomorrow. When you take the journey with Nick and Ali, you will get a new tool in your leadership tool bag that will help you shape the future.”
Bruce WesleySenior Pastor, Clear Creek Community Church
“Trying to lead an organization, church, or ministry of any size in this increasingly VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous) environment is challenging on many levels. Nick and Ali do us all a favor by laying out a road map in the Futures Framework to help us chart a way forward. Their message and tools are timely, insightful, and indispensable for those charged with leading others through these uncharted waters. If you're a leader, pick up this book and get busy designing your preferred future!”
Mick MurrayAuthor of The Father's Heart: Knowing the God of the Bible as Father
“In a time of global instability and transition, Nick and Ali turn with hope and expectation to what's coming next. With both depth and pragmatism, they equip Christian leaders with a framework to align themselves for what God is doing now and in the future.”
Beau EgertEntrepreneur and community leader
“Global society has been shattered by an invisible virus. Bewildered pastors are shaking their heads in confusion and fright. Many believe God has decided to bring to a screeching halt "Churchianity." It sadly skewed from the biblical road of organic body life into the side ditch of impersonal organization. Nick and Ali have created a handbook for those who are ready to sew new garments to clothe Christ's bride. Just in time!”
Ralph NeighbourAuthor of many books on cell churches; consultant; president, TOUCH Training Center
“Many leaders rely on intuition and that gut instinct to make decisions and plan for the future. That's part of what got them into the position they currently hold. The problem, however, is that they all too often miss key factors in decision-making, which end up undermining the execution of their plan. Enter What Comes Next? The Futures Framework presented in this book provides a thoughtful, thorough guide to help you identify and execute an informed and flexible strategy based on principles and possibilities.”
Britt TuckerPastor, Antioch Community Church, Central Houston
“It is rare to find people who are as genuine, true to their beliefs, and willing to stand by them as Ali and Nick. Together, they have written such a simple but powerful book that describes how all of us can be true to our faith and yet achieve personal and professional success. I highly recommend you read this book before your next meeting, group project, or deadline. It will change your life. It did mine.”
Chris VeinFormer Deputy United States Chief Technology Officer for Government Innovation, The White House
“When I asked Nick and Ali to help pull together a team to create a twenty-year strategy, I never imagined the disruptive future that they would envision. Many times, strategies for the future are just straight lines from where an organization has been in the past. Their strategy built upon the past but was not constrained by the past. It envisioned the possibilities. They have pulled together a succinct and powerful framework to help organizations and individuals envision the possible futures.”
Steven GonzalezNASA Advanced Planning Office, Deputy (retired)
“Did you know it is actually easier to invent the future than to predict the future? Like no other generation before us, we have the opportunity to create transformational change. Drawing from their experience in government, disaster relief, refugee care, tech startups, innovation hacks, and advancement of the kingdom, Nick and Ali provide the motivation and framework to actually craft the future we want to live in. This book will inform, inspire, and equip you to make a difference.”
Eric SwansonLeadership Network; Coauthor of The Externally Focused Church and To Transform a City
“Love this book. I've had the privilege of working closely with Nick and Ali to build projects and scale networks. What Comes Next? brings their enthusiasm, biblical wisdom, and practical advice to anyone who yearns to see life differently and make a difference.”
Ken CochrumVP of Global Digital Strategies, Cru
Many books for Christian leaders are either too simplistic or too complicated.
The simplistic ones may bring good ideas or inspiring stories but don’t help you think and act differently. The complicated ones may show you how smart the author is, but the content only bogs you down in your busy world. In What Comes Next, Nick and Ali have done the work and walk us across the razor’s edge. It is stunningly simple yet profound; it’s super-readable yet comprehensive. We desperately need more books like this today. It will be your guide for a lifetime of innovation for the glory of God.